Regardless of their reasons or reasonings, I frequently hear of individuals taking weeks or months to accomplish what ParaZapper does in just a few days.
I personally have tried the ZP zapper and I have tested it under several situations and it is weaker than other zappers and it does not perform as well.
I do not get it. I try my best to provide good reliable factual information and all that some of you can do is get angry over it.
My questions for the folks at ZP are:
Why do they not monitor this forum?
Why do they not actually test their product to make sure that it produces the best results?
Why do their own customers not care enough to report back to them?
As Eksanga testified to previously, I am concerned about my customers well being as well as for the well being of those who are not customers. I care enough to make sure that what I produce works to produce the best results. I am fulltime at this, often dedicating 12 to 16 hours a day, even on holidays.
My statement was in response to the fact that freelastchance has been zapping for months but still has problems that most ParaZapper users get over in a few days.
>- have had these twitches after intense zapping,