Terminator II ordered two weeks ago should be arriving soon as Healtingtools erraneously put incorrect postal code.
I am 60 years old petite femaile, 5"3"tall. As a teenager my weight was arund 90
lbs. but incrased to under 100 lbs in my golden years, however lost 20 lbs in the last two years, 10 lbs for no reason and about 8 lbs when I did colon cleansing with
Bentonite clay and pysillium. At present I weigh around 90 bls and cannot increase my weight.
My maternal grandmother, my mother, my maternal aunt dies of breast cancers. My oldest brother had stomach cancer and had his stomach and spleen removed. I am being proactive and doing all the cleanses as I do not wish to go through operation, chemo and laster treatments if Cancer ever decides to visit me.
Have done 38
Liver Cleanses in the last two years and am still getting hundreds of stones out with each flush. I had no liver or gall bladder problems prior to flushign but ultrasound of the pelvic showed I had cysts in my liver two years ago. This was my motivation for liver flushes. will be going for another ultra sound in mid December. Question: Would Terminator be effective for the cysts? If so, where exactly on my body should I place it and for how long?
I was diagnosed with Glaucoma in 1990. Am applying only one drop Xalatan after using 3 different drops together. Four years ago I noticed that I had floaters or lots of light black design on my left eye. Question: Could Terminator zapping assist me with my pressure and optic nerve and floaters? If so exactly where on my body should I place the Terminator? I have looked through the
Zapper Forum s and have realized that it would be dangerous to place the terminator on the neck or above the neck!!!
I have a tendency to catch cold and pnemonia when I am visiting middle east and in the midst of crowds even though in Canada even if everyone is sneezing I do not catch a cold. I am reluctant to start
Antibiotics immediately and this has cost me some damage in my right lung, even if I have had to take Zithromax reluctantly. My sputum culture in Feb. 2003 showed I had atypical TB. CT scan in June 2003 showed I had right middle lobe infiltrate and ingula, broncheictais and prominent soft tissue. I have coughed up fresh blood twice in 2003 and same this year. Question: Can Terminator help me get rid of whatever is in my lungs that is cuasing this blood spitting? And where exactly on my body or chest or breasts do I placethe terminator and for how long?
I had done Clark's
Black-Walnut ,
Wormwood and cloves
parasite cleansing in October 2002 and again last year did paragone 15-5-15 routine and CQ10. But did not see any critters leaving my body. The anal itching continues, especially during night time. I am sure I have parasites. Question: Where do I place the terminator?
I intend to visit middle east again for 3 weeks in January. I would like to take with me Terminator and the recharger with me. Question: Security.... do I pack the recharger in my checked luggage and carry T2 with me? What do I tell the security as to what device this is? and if they put it through the x-ray will it damage the T2? Security people in London and/or Europe and middle east may not be knowledgeable about this device...they may confiscate it?
I also wish to know if I can zap during the flight to protect myself against any viruses!!!! Is it safe to do so and again where to place the Terminator?
Lastly it has been suggested that one should place the terminator on the feet during sleep. Where on the feet, sole arch or near the toes in front? Does also one alternate the feet, ands and arms as well?
Thank you for your patience in reading this missive and my request for asistance for those who have used the zappers and termiantor in particular.
Any other suggestions would be appreciated too.