"just because man only has proof of evolution in modern times and was not there when it began is no comparison to a known fabrication !" When will you see that you havn't provided ANY information proving your claims about the whole evolution "TREORY"? I have asked you repeatedly for any link showing how we evolved from bacteria. Yet NOTHING.
"To say the bible sheds any light or real information is unture and can be proved right here in this forum" I've asked for this information too. ? Prove there is no GOD! You haven't provided any proof for either argument. (kicks out the one leg you're hopping around on) ;-)
"If we didnt evolve your children would look exactly like you and so would your wife for that matter!"
True. I have repeatedly told you people evolve, chimps evolve, bugs evolve, flowers evolve, bacteria evolve, and so on and so on, BUT they are still people, chimps, bugs, flowers, and bacteria. Now show me your "proof" on how we evolved from bacteria. ????????????????????? Quit avoiding the question. Quit denying to yourself you have none. You always talk about false dogma. Look in the mirror and truly ask yourself "Have I read information proving all of evolution is true?" It doesn't exist my friend. Admit it. Not for me, but yourself.
Science has no idea what the next life form after bacteria was. They have no idea how it hapened. And they certainly have no proof showing it. Now are you going to keep lying to yourself with all this? I know you're a truth seeker, and a good person that fights for the truth in health. Now do it with this.
"We can in
Science adjust to our errors but the dogmatic christian is stuck with attempting to justify dorment pieces of paper!"
Science adjusts to their errors, most of the time. Notice I don't use the Bible with you? I only use it with people who seem to value quoting. Usually you can find a quote contradicting what they say. I do this in the hope it will make them wonder how this can be. But none of this disproves the real truths in the Bible. Like you say, the Bible is dorment paper, just like scientific papers. Written truth is static, still, stationary, motionless, fixed, and stagnant truth. Living truth is ever evolving, expanding, fresh, and new. That is where science and the Bible are flawed, the truths in both are really only history, both are true and false, and both should be used as a starting point for the next truth. You have to take what they both offer and run with it. Expand on it, evolve from it, become fresh and new from it. If you don't you'll be stagnant sludge, stuck in the past, and left behind. So many Christains have their Bible blinders on. Not looking outside of it, thinking all truth is in it. Afraid to go out in the world and explore, when if they did, they will see the truth about God being verified in everything. This is a great lose, but the same can be said for most atheists too. The truth will be seen if you go out into the world and seek, trying to disprove both, rather than proving both. Trust me, I've tried to do both. Part of evolution is true, and part of the Bible is too. This can't be denied by any person that truly seeks with open eyes. The living truth is in between. The only thing that never changes is GOD'S truth.