Hi Tammi Faye!
As far as
parasites go, the Grapefruit seed extract seems to work OK and
Wormwood /Black Walnut tincture. Couldn't vouch 100% for either one, though. Don't know, whether or not I have still parasites.
As far as bowel cleanse, definitely the colonics, although it won't be "one-time-fix". It took me about 8 visits and there was still so much stuff coming out, like I wouldn't believe it (I mean, I am pretty slim, so where was that stuff hiding all these years?)
After my 8th visit, I started the Master Cleanse, and there was a lot less stuff coming out then with the salt water flush.
By the way, I think it was you who posted a discouraged message saying, that you were feeling hungry on the master cleanse. I was in a hurry and didn't read everything, so someone else might have answered that.
I do not go by the recipe and amount of lemonade.
I make it the way I like it right at the moment (sweeter if I am hungry, more lemon other times).
I have also lemon presqueezed, so I don't have to mess with it every time. Anyway, I drink as much as I want of the lemonade to the point of satiation, so I don't have to go hungry (I used to have what people call hypoglycemia, basically I had to eat all the time). Sometimes I just lick a little of the maple syrup, it is very comforting...
I am on day six of the MC, and really like it a lot.
Sorry you didn't have a good experience, maybe you'll find inspiration one day to do it again. I find it extremely helpful with candida, indigestion, gut clearing...
Anyway, give the
colonics a try, if nothing else. Good luck!!!