Shelleycat, when I read your reply 'tears welled up'from deep inside me and I felt really sad...??
I have attended various workshops and one was a shaman drum workshop where we had to play the drum and I played it like there was a 'fever' in me ...all stopped talking and stared...(
What I haven't told you is that I was abused as a child, and attacked at 19....although I defended myself...
..(and that was amazing in its self as I froze with fear, but then seemed to be taken over by a very strong force...I actually growled very deeply with anger...I threw the guy over my shoulder!...the guy ran off!!
Police eventually caught him and told me that he was a known sex offender.
It affected me for years...afraid to shower alone in the house, wouldn't sleep without the lights on etc...lots of issues that I worked on eventually..
I have also been diagnosed with Fybromialgia and can't remember the last time I was 'pain free'....I refuse to take drugs (am on strong anti oxidants, magnesium, multi vitamins and iron)
I am a sole parent mum of two georgious teenagers, also have a relationship (4 years off and on) with a single dad who has his own two children...... much dialogue, I apologise but I have been looking for answers for so long and I know that you have 'hit the nail on the head'
YES!, I do want to follow my soul path....but where to now??
Attend more classes?
(BTW, I live in Melbourne
I thank you again for your wonderful wisdom