Free yourself from that surgeon, and take some time to read some of those 19,000 messages archived on CureZone.
Thousands of people have done liver flush, and not a single soul needed emergency surgery!?
If emergency surgery is so much likely to be needed when doing the flush, whare are all those people who ended up under the knife? Not a single soul reported that experience here. Something must be wrong with the information presented by your surgeon.
Ask your surgeon where did he gets his information?
How many people he knows that have ever tried liver flush, and ended on his table?
Does he know at all what
Liver Flush is all about?
You will be surprised to discover that most likely he doesn't even know what
Liver Flush is all about. (other then that it means that he may loose $$$)
But, I would be surprised to discover that you don't know what gallbladder surgery is all about?
Do you know?
Do you know how much money your surgeon earns from every surgery?
Do you know how much money his clinic gets?
Take a journey into the health facts, and stay away from doctors, if you appreciate your own health and your own body.
You can start your journey by reading 250 messages archived in liver
Flush FAQ :
Lver Flush FAQ