Hi there,
I am a first time poster here.
I went online searching for an answer to this eye twitch I started to get just recently, and it went as far as my whole right side twitching as well.
It got very bad, so bad that I had trouble sleeping when my eye as well as my right side of my face was twitching like that. Then in the morning it would be only the eye that would twitch a little bit.
Anyways, I have the
parasite zapper and I started to wear it again, I thought this might be the cause, 'parasites'. If anyone is interested in buying the newer model that you wear, you can find it here:
I found the zapper online as well after reading
Hulda Clark 's book '
The Cure For All Diseases '.
After zapping for a day, I still had the twitching in the eye and not so much in the face. So then I found in my book called 'instant vitamin-mineral locator' by Hanna Kroeger, that muscle twitching is a magnesium gluconate deficiency. There is also magnesium phosphate, and magnesium oxide, but those are for different aliments.
So I bought some at the health food store, a liquid type as they didn't sell it in the pill form, and it's from the brand 'Auxima'. And, I don't have any twitching of the eye at all after only one day later after using it in 3 dosages. Nothing. I am continuing to use it.
I took the magnesium gluconate at the same time starting to zap again with the zapper, but I didn't zap for over 9 months. So whether the twitching would have eventually gone away with just zapping, I'm not sure. And the only other thing that I was taking at the time was drinking celandine tea.
But as I said, it is written in the book I own that it is a magnesium gluconate deficiency for muscle twitching, and it must be so, as I have no twitching at all and it's been over 4 days now and nothing at all. And I had it very bad.
Well I hope that helps. I was very worried in not knowing what this was. I was searching online for an answer and found it in my book at home instead.
Take care, let me know how you make out.