Homeopathic remedies are very good, but should not be used before you do proper inner cleansing:
parasites cleanse and bowel cleanse, kidney cleanse, dental cleanup and liver cleanse, and before you improve your diet.
I think that is the reason why you got worse.
You need to do
parasites cleanse with bowel cleanse.
Be also aware that sometimes you have to get worse before you get better, but there is a way to insure that you don't get much worse, and you can do it if you always make sure that your bowel is clean. That is why you need to start your cleansing from your bowel. You should spend some time reading bowel cleansing forum, and
parasites cleansing forum, and also
Candida Forum and fasting foum, and also enema/colonics forum.
To quickly stop your simptoms, take a serii of enemas or colonics, and add good probiotics into enema water!
good luck