i have been dating my girlfriend for half a year, she says she takes our relationship seriously but claims she hasn't fallen in love with me - i haven't either - we think our relationship just doesn't have that dreamy color in it but we still like each other and respect our relationship
the problem is i really started to love my girlfriend a couple of weeks ago, started to treat her more courtiously, tell her nice things more sincerely and offer more, but she doesn't seem to care and doesn't offer much, she says she is too busy,
she hardly ever suggests doing anything together ... when i told her i needed more activity from her, more care, she does things only to tell me she did them to help our relationship, but i would like her to do these things out of her own desire, not out of calculation...
when i ask her if she really loves me, she says she is not quite sure, but still insists on continuing our relationship seriously... i am really puzzled
i read some great articles and tips about relationship on "relationship institute" website and generally, what these experts suggest is EVEN MORE LOVE, MORE CARE, for example if i want to improve our relaitionship or make it more intimate, they suggest that we just treat each other with more love and care and commitment
the fear i have is that once i start treat my girlfriend with all my kindness and care and show and express a lot of love to her, she will try even less, eventually losing interest in me and leave me.. or at least she will just treat me like her toy, you know what i mean
so in this situation, if she says she is so serious about our relationship, but doesn't show it much, should i just try even harder or relax and wait until she calls and says Darling, I love you and miss you and want to see you real soon...?
also, i am afraid she is confusing superficial romance with true, deep love that requires time, passience and true commitment
thank you for tips,