hi. this rapid heartbeat, for me, is the ingestion of too much sodium for that day. my digestion begins around 3 or 4am, waking me up with rapid heartbeat, and feeling hot and dehydrated. i tried a few things, like eating some bread for blood sugar, drinking some water, taking aspirin, and am now taking atenolol. the only thing that really helps is watching my sodium intake closely. the atenolol (a beta blocker) just quiets my heart a bit (but the symptom is still happening). so my question is, is
Epsom Salt actually sodium? if it is, and you ingest like say over 500mg sodium before you go to bed, then you will most likely wake up when your digestion kicks in. i would totally love it if someone could identify any cure for this sodium problem, cause this is what got me looking for alternative healing anyway on the net. (i started my first 'health kick' last week with renew life's cleanse smart). tigerfish