Andreas Moritz
GERD symptoms such as constant heart burn are known to go into spontaneous remission, which means there is a mechanism at work that can actually reverse the condition of Hiatal Hernia.
Hiatal Hernia results form major congestion in the bile ducts of the liver, waste build-up in the small and large intestines (seen in bloated and enlarged abdomen) as well as lymphatic blackage, especially in the thoracic duct (see ilustration in The Amazing Liver CLeanse,, 1-888-280-7715). Since waste products are no longer eliminated efficiently via the proper elimination organs and systems, they back up and end up moving into the stomach from below, putting extensive pressure on this organ. Hiatal Hernia is a simple survival tactic to avoid death, it is not a disease as such.
By removing congestion in the liver, intestines, and lymphatic system by doing the cleanses as laid out in the above book and by adjusting your diet/lifestyle according to your body type's needs and abilities (see The Key to Health and Rejuvenation (also from, you can certainly reverse this condition naturally. Surgery is tricky, because it cannot cure the real problem, so another problem is likely to pop up that may make matters even worse than having Haital Hernia. Plus surgery includes injury to important parts of your body. This prevents full recovery.
With best wishes,