I hope I can help you a little.
Real friendship exits. It is wonderful and can make your life happy and worthy.
Real friendship is about opening your heart. When you have a real friend usually you talk about your needs, your worries, your wishes, you enjoy sharing and listening. Usually a real friend will listen to you when you feel sad, or are having problems, and you feel happy if you can listen and help. Also real frienship is about little things, like sharing joy and good time.
When you open your heart, it does not matter if you are hot or smart. It is about a human being needing company and love and giving company and love.
If your friend is having problems or feeling sad, you listen to her or him.
Friendship is about love, compassion, forgiveness, honesty and COMMUNICATION.
One thing that hurts friendship are false assumptions, and superficiality. It is not about giving and impression, it is about being who you are.
If your friend hurts you, you may feel sad, or angry, but if your friend is capable to talk to you openly and honestly, and your receive the message you can overcome those feelings.
I am not perfect, so I cannot tell you anything else. But I hope that you can realize that friendship can be great if you let love and trust enter in your life.
Blessings and love.