Couple of things that are really simple:
1. When the human boy-brain-full-of-hormones was invented, there wasn't such things as TV so do they really have the tools to ignore all of the media? No. And personally I don't either, I see the media too but instead of drooling I feel inadequate. So that's what you are really dealing with...manufactured images, ideals and stories that send him one direction and then you get sent even further the opposite direction.
2. Shut off the TV. Television has never done anything to enhance a relationship. It's summer for goodness sake. Get outdoors and do something active...better yet, do something for others volunteer at your church to do emergency outreach....develop the part of your relationship that reveals more about who you are the inside.
3. Good grief girl...go try on some sexy clothes. Don't buy them. Simply try them on so that you know that you are just as sexy as anything else out there. If you like them then get them and wear them only for him. It will be very impowering and probably really get his attention especially if it's a surprise. And oh here's a the blindfold's about your bodies but not visual....start fully clothed on opposite sides of the room...try to find each other and undress each other...listen and feel...
4. Then take a class or start an exercise program. A couple of things will happen when you do this. You will start feeling better about yourself if only purely by the adrenaline. And your guy will wonder what is going on with you and that's what keeps guys interested...when you are interesting...the manufactured personalities of women in the movies interest men because movie people put out what appeal is more that skimpy clothes but you still have to work it and sell yourself to him over and over...they will win if you sit back and do will also discover new things about yourself and be even more interesting to yourself and then have more self esteem...etc. etc.
5. Guys, if a woman asks you if someone on TV is hot, you should tell the truth but then you also need to realize that those women are plastic, spend hours a day in a gym, hours a day with a makeup artist and have horrible real personalities and oh, by the way, they probably wouldn't look twice at YOU....SO....tell the truth by saying "yeah, she's hot and she's also fake and plastic but you are the most beautiful thing I've seen in real life and I'm such a lucky guy".