Hi Everyone,
I have read many posts here and appreciate the openness of everyone. I am hoping that some of you may be able to give me some advice or at least relate to my problem. I am a 28 year old woman with 2 children, full-time mom and part time grad student. I have had digestive problems for about 7 to 8 years now. It began with awful heartburn/reflux that improved with lifestyle changes (raising the head of my bed, avoiding certain foods, etc.) and medications taken when it really acts up. I am overweight and I developed right upper abdominal pain about 4-5 years ago. I have since had at least 3 gallbladder ultrasounds and even more CT scans (for another problem) that have failed to show
Gallstones or "sludge" (I know there could, theoretically, be some microscopic sludge---there probably is). My pain has come in bouts that last a few weeks then go away. I moved to a different area and have a new primary care doctor, he sent me for a HIDA scan last week. It showed an ejection fraction of 21% (with 35% being normal) but to my knowledge, was otherwise normal. My doctor said it was up to me as to whether I wanted to have my gallbladder out. I am not interested in surgery! I would like to be rid of this pain and occassional nausea, however. I am wondering if anyone has a problem like this, or if you guys think that flushing would help me? I can't find any info on whether or not the gallbladder's "ejection fraction" can actually improve. Any ideas? The CCK they injected me with during the test set off something----I wasn't having any pain before the test, they gave me that injection and told me it might cause discomfort "probably for only a few minutes". Well, I had waves of pain for literally days after that! Anyhow, I have recently begun cleaning up my diet: avoiding red meat, sugars, processed food. I am drinking lots of water (I always have, though) and I'm taking lecithin with each meal plus a standardized milk thistle extract. This morning I had a "tonic" of 2tbsp olive oil and a few squeezes of fresh lemon---that caused some sharp pain under my right breast area. Anyhow, sorry for the long post, but any replies would be most appreciated.