If you scroll down to where it says ginger baths by elly,you will get the exact recipe.
I would start up with what you think you can tolerate first, b/c some people may not be able to put that much of the ingredients in the tub.
Please don't forget to hydrate yourself before and after your bath and during if you need to.
If your heart starts racing and your kidneys start to thump, it is alright, everyone experiences that.
If you feel uncomfortable get out of the tub.
Also your face will more than likely get very red, this is normal as well.
Only do the bath 1-2 a week b/c you do not want to overtax your system.
Even if you do not sweat, the bath is still working.
You should become quite relaxed after this experience.
Also the ginger is supposed to leech metal out of the system from what i have read and i recently read that ginger is good for inflammation as well, so if you have arthritis, it make help that as well.
Happy bathing.
Take care