I just added
Bentonite to my CleanseSmart
Bowel Cleanse 5 days ago and today I noticed some really dark kind of green-ish black pieces. I was getting some before but they were more gray. This is so exciting! Right now I am only taking 1 dose per day but I plan on increasing it tomorrow to 2 and then probably more as time goes on. I am going to start doing a
parasite cleanse too but I am unsure yet of when I should add it. I'm thinking maybe in a week or so when my
Bowel Cleanse pills run out. On a side note....are peas undigestable? Because I ate them for dinner last night and had whole peas in my stool. I was freaked out at first because they weren't as green and were kind of clear and perfectly round. I thought it was some egg or something until I poked around some more and realized it was peas. Hee, hee.