HI!!! im sooooo excited... I have great news..
just for some back round info..
Done 5 liver flushes..
5-6 months of
parasite cleanses
been taking "fibersmart" for a month
been cleansing and doing as much as possible for 6-7 months, including 6 colonics..sauna treatments..epsom baths ect..
Started the B&P shakes 3 days ago....
And Today!!
I went to the bathroom when I woke up and passed something crazy.... i saw a thick dark streak in my bm..and used something to poke around.. and i foung a 8
inch light brown/black/green rope type mucous thing!! I could break in half ..but it was really rubbery.. and slimy!
then i went to the Gym for my step class.... and after going jumping aroung so much I went to the bathroom again..
this time i had a cramp and a queezy feeling.. then somethin shot out of me...!!!!!!!!!!
It was about 8-9 inches... floating in the bowl covered in some waste and slime... I know it was a worm... i couldnt mess around with it because i was at the gym.... but I saw parasitic stuff floating all aroung it!!! OMG after 6 months they are finally coming out.. and the plaque /worm thing!!! WOW!!!!
Great day for strange things shooting out of my bum.. ! lol..
The product that really seems to be working for me.. is a psyllium mix by "new Roots" a canadian company.. and the bentonite..
i have had really bad constipation problems.. but I wanted to give the B&P a shot.. and boy am I glad I did... it is working amazingly.. no constipation!!
I am so happy!!