I have a question, I am getting ready to do a
Liver Flush and I am on A
Bowel Cleanse from Renew Life and The
parasite Cleanse,
Black-Walnut Hull Tincture,
Wormwood , and Cloves. I have been on all of this for the last week. I have noticed that my ear's ache and fill itchy on the inside. The ache is mostly at night and the itchy is during the day. Is this Dying off?
Can I be on the
Colon Cleanse and the
parasite Cleanse and the Liver Cleanse all at the same time? I really want to start the Liver Cleanse now.
I did my first coffee enama yesterday, did fine, thanks to all the step by step information I found on this site. When should I do the next one? I don't want to get hooked on it
I have a Gallbladder Polyp, it is hurting and I want to get that thing out of me. I wanted to do the Colon and
parasite Cleanse first. But, I really need to get going on the Liver Cleanse.
What do you think?