This is the low down as I know it. My first question is have you read the book? The book discusses the salt water flush in depth. If not, then I will explain it to the best of my knowledge. I completed
The Master Cleanser 4 times last year with each one lasting the suggested ten days. The flush is a very important aspect of the cleanse. Acutually, it IS the cleanse. The lemon juice/maple syrup/cayenne mixture is neccesary to provide nutrition while the body purges itself of all toxins. You must do the cleanse every day of the program. The reason for doing the flush first thing in the morning is to get rid of all the toxins your body has collected overnight. I have to be at work at 7am so I usually get up around 5:30 and drink the solution. Go back to bed and about 30 minutes am woken up with the urge. By the time I have to leave for work, I've usually had two or three movements. Sometimes I have one more about an hour I get to work and no more at all for the rest of the day. Also, the ratio of salt to water is very important. You can deviate a little if you need but you should definitely start with the 2tsp/quart ratio. The only reason you should experiment with the amount of salt is if you drink it and don't have a movement within 1 hour. This happened to me at first. If the pH of your blood does not very closely match the pH of the solution, it will be absorbed into your system and you won't pass anything. I found that I generally have to subtract a small amount to make things go smoothly.
I think that some people just have a tolerance for the flavor more than others, I don't know why. I use luke-warm water. I believe this softens the flavor a little. The secret for me is to take a deep breath and just drink the whole
quart without breathing or stopping. You only really taste liquids after you stop taking it in and breathe. Some people say that they can't take a
quart of water all at once but that is simply not true. Unless you are on the first day, your stomach is completely empty and completely capable of holding that amount of liquid.
It is normal and neccesary to pass straight water when you do the flush. This is not to be confused with diarrhea. It is the
quart of water you just drank. For the first couple of days it will be dark and appear to be diarrhea but it is not. I am fascinated each time to observe the process. Generally by the third day, the liquid I pass begins to clear up and is clear by the 5th or 6th day. Think about what that means. You are taking in a quart of water, passing it through your entire Gastro-intestinal system, and releasing it from your body clear! There are toxins in it to be sure, but every bit of lingering food matter in your system gets flushed out leaving you clean as a whistle. I love the way my body feels after day 5. You feel clean in a way you normally never experience and it feels amazing!
I hope that I have helped to clear up some of your questions. You must stick to the routine. It is the way that is because it works. Trust me, the cleanse has been the best thing that ever happened to me. It put me back in touch with my body and the effects last much longer than the 10 days you fast. Good luck with your cleanse and pass the word on to every one you can about it. In today's toxic world we all need the benefits of
The Master Cleanser !