Hi Nan,
If one is eating enough, the colon should be able to allow a movement at least twice a day.
Surely the toxins that you are speaking of would require being stuck in one place for much more than
a few hours to cause a problem. Considering that the colon's function IS to REMOVE moisture from the stool
and not to reabsorb toxins which were processed by the liver, why would the toxins not pass right through
as they were designed to do? Of course, a leaky gut, ulcerations, hemorrhoids etc could allow much more
than toxins to get into the bloodstream.... Various intestinal bacteria could also pass through damaged
membranes to cause all sorts of chronic illness.
The toxins would simply be reprocessed by the liver and excreted again into the stool until they eventually
made the proper exit with a later bowel movement. The liver never stops processing toxins from many
parts of the body and its processes, because that is what it was intended to do. The liver would have
much more difficulty in dealing with the bowel bacteria that does not belong in the bloodstream.
It has been reported that such bacteria can confuse the immune system into attacking parts of the body
that should not be attacked, such as the cartilage, nerve sheaths, bladder lining etc. This is the beginning of
many so-called auto-immune diseases. Colon health and integrity is utmost in preventing many illnesses.