Professor Tchetcherov in Tchernobyl affirms that 97% of radiation after the explosion is around the area, not into the nuclear building. But, from the disaster on the Bank of Europe has created a fund with million of euros to send some 600 European technician to do research about radiation and to study a plan to cover the building with a sort of mega-shield, but one of the Ukraine minister said that he never saw all that money and workers, nor professor Tchetcherov did. It seems that Europe created a phantom plan to raise funds for WHOM??? Germany was the leading country of this phantomatic project, so... where is actually going all that money? Where comes all that money from?? Humm... I am just wondering why we customers of banks have been losing much money in these last years...
I cannot stand injustice: many people in Tchenobyl died, many other are still very ill, many customers have made savings and investments with their own money, and all that goes in favour to very foxy people...
What a sad thing!