I began to have loose bowels about 10/11 months ago, after
developing aching joints a few months before that. I went to a rheumotologist who found labs normal and degenerative disk desease in neck (only xray I had was of neck). My reg Dr. sent me to a gastrointronolgist about 2 months ago. I had a colonoscopy and he said I have colitis (ibs), but otherwise healthy looking bowel. For some reason my loose bowels are worse in the mornings, as if as soon as my body starts moving, so do my bowels. The rest of the day I get bloating and gas. My Dr.'s prescribe medication that causes severe dizziness among other side effects. I already feel sick and dizzy and dont wish to use these meds. I often feel like I have the flu and am very tired. Recently I happend to see a program on tv saying that to much yeast in the body can cause these problems and listed some of my symptoms. Including patchy skin spots which I do have also. I am 35 and want to feel better. I have called in sick to work alot lately, I dont get paid and I need the money. PLEASE HELP with any info you may have for me. I already had to change dr.'s once and dont want to change dr.'s but i dont want my dr. to think Im "nuts" because I wonder about a correlation with yeast causing my problems. Or because I dont want to take the meds prescribed for colitis. I do eat alot of carb's because I crave them and dont feel awake, if I dont eat often I have no energy at all. I feel so alone with this, but I cant imagine I am the only one who has this problem and simular symptoms. I would appriciate any feedback pertaining to this you can offer. THANK YOU!!!!!