I looked at your website ( www.energizedwater.info ), and it is indeed interesting. I also looked at your links page, and noticed it did not really have any links that directly pertained to the subject of the website, i.e. energized water.
What I am looking for is more information about the process of energizing water as well as how to scientifically measure the energy level of the water. I have read about the Bovis scale for the energy level of the water, but I have not seen how to measure the energy level scientifically.
Anyway, here are a couple of links I have found relating specifically to energized water that are interesting:
Also, does anybody know of any good comprehensive websites on the subject of energized water?
I looked at your website ( www.energizedwater.info ), and it is indeed interesting. I also looked at your links page, and noticed it did not really have any links that directly pertained to the subject of the website, i.e. energized water.
What I am looking for is more information about the process of energizing water as well as how to scientifically measure the energy level of the water. I have read about the Bovis scale for the energy level of the water, but I have not seen how to measure the energy level scientifically.
Anyway, here are a couple of links I have found relating specifically to energized water that are interesting:
Also, does anybody know of any good comprehensive websites on the subject of energized water?