Dr. Richard Schulze
Dear Deborahh, April 21, 2003
I had so many patients come to me in my clinic with both Hepatitis C and Gall stones, you are not alone.
First, as of May 1st my new book will be released “Healing Liver and Gallbladder Disease NATURALLY! Please call 1-800-HERBDOC to get your FREE copy, just fax them this letter, that should do it.
First and foremost it is important that you protect your Liver cells immediately from any further damage. The single best herb that has phytochemicals that literally coat and protect your liver cells is Milk Thistle. Of course I suggest my Liver/Gallbladder and Anti-
parasite tonic for a few reasons. One is because it is 50% Milk Thistle seed but also because I make it myself so I know the quality.
If you want to know more of my feelings on this read the first few pages I wrote in my herbal products catalog. Enough said.
Secondly, you can continue to
flush your liver and Gallbladder but use the flush I suggest as part of my 5 Day Cleansing and Detoxification Program. Many people prefer more radical gallbladder flushes but I found this one if done daily with 5 days of raw foods and juice fasting to always do the job, 100% of the time. I have had literally hundreds of patients, if not thousands who had gallbladders full of stones that removed them all, with ultrasounds to prove it, by using this flush and my 5 Day Program.
It will also help with the fear and anxiety.
You are much stronger than you think. Also please learn some good jokes and tell me a few.
STOP doing what makes you sick and START doing what will heal your body
Richard Schulze