Dear Michelle,
I agree with you completely about the many
benefits of rebounding. I've owned a rebounder
for more than 3 years, and it's far and away
the best piece of exercise equipment I've ever
owned. When Saint Peter sounds his his electronic pager for me, I'm not going to go
unless I can take my rebounder.
When I bounce gently up and down, every one
of my 75 trillion cells receives a gentle
massage. Every organ in my body enjoys the
same playful motion. Rebounding is fabulous
for the lymph system (see my R/N post on the
Lymph forum for more details), but it's
also wonderful for the eyes, the brain, and
all the joints and connective tissue.
Running puts stress and strain on your joints.
Rebounding is stressless. You don't have to jump off the surface of the mat, or do cheerleader tricks. Just a gentle bounce, up and down, And it's great fun! When I'm bouncing on my rebounder, I become 8 years-old
again. Every one of my cells is on the same
page. It's a heavenly experience!
Like you, Michelle, I like to listen to
instrumental music while I bounce. My choice
is Easy Listening, the music of my lifetime.
I make it a point to hum the songs for at
least 10 minutes every day (I spend about
45 minutes every day on my rebounder). The humming is not only
very pleasurable, but it puts the familiar
vibration of a beloved song into every cell.
My cells greet the melody of a song like
"Memory," or "Jean, Jean," as the old friends
they are, and vibrate blissfully to each note. My intuition
tells me that the humming-while-bouncing, is
a little known, but vitally important healing
protocol. The sound HU, which you make when
you hum, is considered THE most sacred sound
to the Sufis, the Moslem mystics. Owls are
known as wise birds because their cry --
which we spell WHO -- is the most sacred and
elemental sound in all nature, right up there
with Om. Additionally, when you hum while
rebounding, you sound all the notes of the
scale, ALL of which are used by your seven
chakras (energy vortexes) to heal and harmonize and balance themselves. Humming
beloved melodies while rebounding is a win,
win, WIN situation!
In the last year, I've taken to rebounding
after I eat my last food of the night around
7 p.m. Rebounding is fabulous for digestion!
All of the foods and liquids in me are gently
mixed and digested by my internal organs.
I spend at least 20 minutes every evening
bouncing on my beloved rebounder. I also use
it after the mid-day meal, which is my main
meal of the day.
Final thought: when I begin my first rebounding session in mid-morrning (as a warm-up for my daily exercises), I always talk to
my body for at least 5 minutes. I ask every
cell to send Love, Light, Blessings, & Healing
Energy to every other cell. I ask each organ
to do the same. And if there's a slight ache
somewhere, I ask all the cells to send healing
energy to that spot.
That may sound airy-fairy, but I assure you
that my body listens. And so will yours!
You're telling your body that your INTENTION
is that it heal the sore spot. And by
focusing your ATTENTION on that sore spot,
your body sends energy -- which is healing
by definition -- to that place that is hurting. This combination of intention and
attention is critically important to the healing process.
Indeed, rebounding virtually duplicates some
of the important poses in Chinese qigong,
especially the all-important first one. I think the practices of qigong (CHEE-gong) and
Reiki, both well known energy-alignment
protocols, would have been very different
if the old Sages, who devised these techniques
thousands of years ago, had access to rebounders.
Enough for now! If anything I've said has
resonated with you, the person who's reading
this long post, I hope you'll consider buying
yourself a rebounder. It will pay back its
cost a thousandfold over the course of your