I've had serious insomnia for years - due to 4 broken bones and some endocrine issues. This is what I do and while it seems a lot, and it is, it works:
Valerin (not plain old Valerian - go to www.wonderlabs.com and get their product called Valerin - it is way more effective than regular Valerian and Passion flower).
Melatonin - 3 mg before bed.
Magnesium - I take 750 to 1,000 before bed (you might get by starting out with the RDA of 400 - I'm hypothyroid and diabetic so I have a hard time uptaking it so I have to take more).
Magnolia - (www.wonderlabs.com also has a product with this ingredient in it - Relora - and this stuff really helps the adrenals so it helps with relaxation and sleep and it does work.) I've also heard that it is good for the adrenals - it seems to be the case for me.
HTTP5 - I get this at Walmart (helps with serotonin).
And then I eat or drink plain full fat (nothing with less fat than low fat as you need the fat to absorb the calcium) and I do all this at one time about 30 minutes before I go to sleep.
The combination of all these really works for me. My bones were so weak at age 28 from doing skim milk and having 4 broken bones that it took me 10 years to absorb enough calcium for this to be beneficial. Now it works really well. I don't take calcium pills at night because I find it just doesn't give me the same edge to sleep as an actual foodsource does. (I do take 500 mg with each meal during the day if I'm not consuming something with calcium - I also have Crohns and calcium is amazing at helping keep the peristalic action working properly so that I don't have diarrhea - my diarrhea is caused by muscles not performing properly and not from just an overgrowth of some
parasite - although I have had that too in the past).
I know - it's a lot - but for me, I require the combo of them all. I also find I'm not druggie feeling in the morning and this combo works better for me than even Sonata did, which cost about $75 a month!
I hope something of this helps.