Dear Bob,
How are you my friend
I went on this curezone site hoping this question would come my way
keep up the good work
As usual, I have a few comments
and I know you know most of these answers but I pass them along
for mostly the benefit of others who don't
First, after years of clinical practice I learned not to trust medical doctors diagnosis
They are often wrong
most doctors and hospitals are about 15% correct
in other words 85% wrong
a monkey with a spinning wheel could be more accurate
and also remember that a disease diagnosis
is only a guess based on similar symptoms
you can take 100 people diagnosed with the same disease
and they can have 100 different reasons they are having the same symptoms
and 100 different ways they can be treated
and 100 different things that can heal them
having said that
let me say more
I do not have great blind respect as many do
for James Duke
he has a lot of information, but little practical knowledge
which can be very dangerous
I often find that people use his information
as reasons why NOT to use herbal medicine, instead of using it
or to use herbs in a non-wholistic way
remember the alternatives are usually drugs and surgery
now about WPW
YES, a few people I have seen were told by their MD's they had this
and here is my suggestions
First, make sure there is absolutely NO stimulating alkaloid intake
like any coffee, tea, even green tea caffiene products, ephidrene sinus meds, tobacco (nicotene) use
even chocolate and sugar
all of which can cause arrhythmia and tachycardia
irregular and speeded up heartbeat
and reduce blood flow to the heart by contracting the arteries
as I always say, healing yourself of anything is
STOPPING what is making you sick
and STARTING what will create powerful health
I would also suggest a vegan food program
thus removing the animal glue from the blood
and reducing the blood viscosity
which lets the heart do its job easier
I have heard the herbal contridictions that you mentioned
but I have not found them to be true
I have also heard that taking too much Echinacea
can burn out your immune system
which I have also found NOT to be true
Remember Digitalis is a POWERFUL herb
so much it is used widely by MD's as a drug
and I have never found these ultra powerful herbs are needed
when herbs are used in conjunction with natural healing programs
This is why MD's use the most powerful herbs and drugs
because they rely solely on the drug
and rarely make changes in a persons lifestyle
moving on
I have used my heart formula for this and all other heart illnesses
with no problems
so I would continue
the episode may have just been a coincidence
if you feel it is not
then I would get a bunch or organic or wildharvested hawthorne berry
remember the leaf is also effective
and make a big jug of ethyl alcohol (vodka) tonic
it will turn to sludge because of the high amount of pectin in the berries
and use that as a constitutional formula
Hawthore binds to and protects the heart cells
and lets them thrive on less blood and oxygen
and if ther is an incident
there will probably be NO heart cell damage
that is a start
Them I would go to Motherwort
and add that
and so on, but from my experience
I would make sure, very sure first
you eliminate all of the other possible causes of the syndrome
from caffiene, to hidden sugars, to polluted water, to non organic food, to pesticides, to animal food steriods, to friends with harsh attitudes to stressfull jobs, to traffic jambs, to hating life, to irritating spouses, to on and on and on
before I stopped taking the Heart Formula
and as I did
you will probably find that the formula is not only fine
but works great
A few more final words
I would also use my Nerve Tonic
It is a powerful anti-spasmodic
about 40% Lobelia
and this has often helped those with irregular heartbeats
and also don't forget hydrotherapy
even MD's will sometimes suggest facial ice baths
for WPW events
it works great
but I also suggest entire body hydro
like easy cold and hot alternating showers
as with all heart conditions
hydrotherapy should be eased into
but can be used right over the heart too
Love you Man
Dr. Schulze