Yes, I have gotten both chaff and "stones" from doing the Schulze protocol...but it's been my experience one has to seriously look for them because they just blend into the normal bowel movements and "disappear" from sight.
Generally normal bowel movements are darker and browner in coloration than the bowel movements you see when doing the Schulze 'flush'...generally the more days you drink the morning flush drink, the lighter, more yellow/green coloration will be seen (because of all the bile/liver sludge that is mixed in). And if you've juice-fasted for the three days in the middle along with it, the consistently will be looser.
But if you don't make a "detailed vision note" to yourself about the way your bowels looked/color/consistency, etc., it's VERY easy to look at your bowel activity every day and recognize little/if any change...because the change is so gradual.
For example, I have a "transit time" of 6-10 hours (the time from when what I eat becomes apparent in my bowel movements). Last night I had a salad drenched in olive oil dressing (I consumed at least 3-5 tablespoon of olive oil). What first came out this morning was dark brown and formed, but then with another squeeze or two, it became lighter, more greenish/yellow, and had quite a few globules (soft "stones") of liver junk. But if I wouldn't have searched through it (or had it right in front of me to be able do a 'side by side' comparison), I probably never would have noticed at all, because it was so similar to what had come out in the first 'squeeze' or two.
And then there's the whole ES thing. When doing a Clark/Kelley flush, the entire colon has been washed clear of fecal matter by the action of the ES, so all that one ever sees is the chaff/junk/globules/stones in the stool, which are EASY to identify when they're not mixed together with poop.
Basically, the liver is triggered to produce bile whenever fat/oil is consumed, and the more oil that's consumed, the more bile is created (the bile is what actually does the flushing), so whenever you consume olive oil, you DO get results. Those results are just not as easy to discern when they're mixed together with digested/undigested food and fecal matter.
'Hope this answered your question somewhat...a five day Schulze liver protocol is FANTASTIC for your liver & gallbladder; the results just aren't easy to see.