*!* IMPORTANT EDIT *!* I have had several people email me over the months with extreme diarrhea/possibly c-diff, thinking this (below) was something they should try for a general c-diff infection...and I do NOT recommend this as a good protocol for a typcial c-diff infection!
This was designed as a MAJOR EXTREME 'last ditch effort' for an elderly lady in intensive care. This much psyllium and
Colloidal Silver has strong potential to WORSEN diarrhea, as the
Colloidal Silver kills ALL bacterial (including the beneficial bacteria necessary to balance the system and prevent bacterial overgrowths; the added straight psyllium without added demulcent/mucilaginous/healing herbs (that are in the IF#2) can be very irritating to the intestinal walls). In this particular case, we were mixing the ultra-powerful
Colloidal Silver with the IF#2/psyllium in order to get the antibacterial action to the colon (& throughout her weakened body) along with taking probiotics. There are many healthier/safer ways to beat c-diff & diarrhea (again, this was a 'throw anything you've got at it situation' to do anything/everything to save a life). AND I talked to this poster in person and added/subtracted things before she left for the hospital. Frustratingly/sadly, the elderly lady passed on before 'help could ever arrive'. Please email me or send me a Private Message if you'd like my assistance in helping you put together a healing protocol for c-diff and/or diarrhea. Blessings - Unyquity END OF EDIT
I just did a quick Google on this b*tch of a bacteria, and as you probably already know, this one is NOTHING to mess around with...period.
To answer your IF#2 question: YES! DEFINITELY!! As not only will the IF#2 control the diarrhea, but it will also help dig deep into the lining of the intestinal tract (where the c-diff have set up colonies and are breeding), and help clean them out. But it will take more than just IF#2 to erradicate these nasties, you're going to have to hit them HARD!
--Just a note of interest -maybe-: every now & then when I see a post on something I'm not familiar with (such as this), I immediately do a Google search and scan the links to understand "the basics" of the issue-at-hand and somewhere in my scanning I somehow 'get the picture/cure'...and it's always accompanied by an almost real 'picture' of sorts in my minds-eye, and ALWAYS a few moments of a quick shiver or two, and major goose-bumps (and an incredible sense of humbleness, almost to the point of weakness). I rarely talk about this 'outloud' to folks; my hubby calls it a "God Spark"; I just call it humbling. This immediately happened to me when I did the search on c-diff.
And here's what I got/saw:
--4 times daily: soak 1/2 - 1 teaspoon of psyllium seeds/husks in one teaspoon of 500ppm colloidal silver for a few minutes, then mix that with 8
ounces of fresh juice or pure water or a combination of both. This will carry the colloidal silver directly to the colonies of c-diff (which have now imbedded themselves into the lining of the colon), and kill them.
--6 times daily: as much IF#2 as necessary to halt the diarrhea from the c-diff and provide soothing and deep bowel cleansing...along with 8-12
ounces of water for each dose of IF#2. I'm thinking the equivalent of 3-4 capsules worth of IF#2, whatever that is.
--1 time daily: enough IF#1 to create/sustain 3-4 bowel movements daily (I realize this person already has diarrhea, but with the IF#2 AND psyllium -especially in an uncleased colon-, there's a strong likelihood for an impaction to occur, and the IF#1 will both prevent an impaction AND flush these toxic carcasses out asap!)
--Echinacea Tincture: 2-4 times the recommended dose daily, until symptoms are completely gone...continuing with the normal daily dose for several weeks, to strengthen the immune system so it can fight on it's own.
--I Flora - 2 capsules, 4 times daily, (every day the psyllium/colloidal silver is taken), at intervals right between the 4 doses of psyllium/silver. High-strength colloidal silver WILL kill ALL gut flora, and an imbalance of gut-flora due to anti-biotics is the main reason c-diff colonizes. So obviously, killing off the "normal strength" friendly gut flora/bacteria with anti-biotics is what allowed the 'super c-diff bacteria" to colonize...but to kill the 'super c-diff' we're going to have to use something extremely strong...and that will kill the friendly bacteria as well. So here, we'll be killing off ALL bacterial 4 times daily, but replenishing only the good/friendly bacteria...ultimately erradicating the c-diff. Remember, the c-diff have had a chance to 'dig in deep' to the mucoid plaque and lining of the colon, we have to hit them HARD AND DEEP.
--another note-- I have read several informative articles & posts lately by experienced healers (Andreas included) that usage of pro-biotic supplements needs to be dealt with extremely cautiously. While we DO know that we sometimes kill off necessary/friendly gut flora/bacteria, and we do know which ones we have killed, we DO NOT KNOW the proper balance to repopulate them. So when taking probiotics to replenish gut-flora, we may indeed be seriously upsetting the balance of bacteria in the digestive tract. In this case, there's no doubt in mind that the high-strength colloidal silver will kill everything, and repopulating the beneficial bacteria so they can outnumber the c-diff is absolutely necessary...in ANY "balance" whether correct or incorrectly balances, the beneficial bacteria MUST be present for a healing to occur. But I did want to point out what I've learned recently.
--I feel about a week/week and a half of aggressive fighting should eliminate the majority, then lessen the aggressive colloidal silver/psyllium and I-Flora for another week (just to make sure)...continuing with the IF #1 & #2 and echinacea until full recovery. The problem here is -- the hospital!! GET THIS PERSON OUT OF THE HOSPITAL ASAP!! From everything I've read, going into a hospital and taking hi-dose pharmaceutical
Antibiotics virutally assures a c-diff overgrowth (it's rampant in hospitals). A weakened system simply cannot overcome CONSTANT re-exposure to such a virulent strain of bacteria.
Here's information on high-strength Colloidal Silver:
The one thing that WILL kill any and all bacteria (no question or doubt about it) is high-strength Colloidal Silver. NOT the wimpy 10-100 ppm stuff that you can make at home (ppm=parts per million), but rather the pharmaceutical grades of 500-1100 ppm, which can be purchased here:
Here's the
Science behind Colloidal Silver, and why the lower parts per million just don't cut the mustard in serious bacterial infections (basically, it's because once the colloidal silver enters your digestive tract, it becomes so diluted and weak, that it just doesn't have the "umphf" it needs to completely erradicate a virulent strain or colony of bacteria).
toolsforhealing.com Articles Database - A Closer Look at Colloidal Silver
And (as if I haven't said enough already, lol)...heart tonic AND cayenne tonic. This person has a weakened heart and is on blood-thinners. So, strengthen the heart with the heart-herbs and speed everything throughout the entire system with the cayenne.
Let's undo EVERYTHING this phenomenally horrendous system has done to this person!
Let me know if there's anything else I can offer :)
Yours in health,