The basic method is this. For most herbs, use 80 or 100 proof vodka. I use 100 proof. For fresh herbs use everclear. Put the herbs in a blender. Just cover with vodka. Grind with the blender. You are looking for kind of applesauce consistency. Play with the herbs/alcohol until you have what you want. Put this mixture in a glass jar and put it in a dark place. Shake it at least twice a day for two weeks. Tradition holds that you start it on a new moon and pour it off on a full moon. Pour the mixture into a strainer lined with a cotton cloth. Let it drain, then squeeze as much out as you can. I would filter the tincture again through another clean cloth and then again through an unbleached coffee filter.
This method is called the folk method. There is no real measuring involved other than getting the herb proportions correct.
If you become more interested in making tinctures, I would suggest two books.
The Herbal Medicine Maker's Handbook, James Green (Dr. C. student)
Making Plant Medicines, Rich Cech
I hope this is of some help.