I am copying the message I placed on Ask Andreas:
I think I finally got some answers and I hope this will be helpful to any that have wondered about acute pancreatitis and the flush. I phoned the people at sensible and had a very good talk with the man there. He said, yes, he thinks that my husband does need to rest right now before he tries the flush, because his system simply would not be ready for it. But he said it sounds like he is doing pretty good. Doctors are mainly interested in what they can put INTO you than what needs to come OUT of you! Anyway, it will take a month to finish taking one tincture bottle of Gold Coin Grass, but it is far easier on the system than using
Epsom Salts . It will soften the
Gallstones and some take 2 bottles. Then you don't have any problems with a gallstone getting stuck (which he said was rare anyway). I did not use the ES when I did my flush, but still had good results. Two days prior to the flush, it is also recommended to drink plently of fresh apple juice, which I know many on this forum have done. My husband has only been a truck driver for 2 years and that is what has made his health worse! So hard to eat right. He said he was glad to get out of the hospital because even the smell of that food was making him sick! I am hoping he won't have to continue this job much longer. May you all have improved health!
P.S. I also hope he doesn't have to have his gallbladder taken out.