Lower dosages will just waste the herbs, as
parasite herbs require very high dosages to succeed, and you'll need very high doses of the Primal Defense for awhile.
While you're doing all this, and in between breaks (it's okay to take breaks BTW) You must practice bowel management to keep things moving and to keep your colon clean. Anything that gets left in the colon will congest the liver! because it gets pulled into the bloodstream, which the filter (liver) then has to filter out!
so definitely schedule a
Liver Flush or two, and take some liver supporting herbs in between. You can find tons of info on that in the
Liver Flush Forum . And since you have a juicer, YIPPEE! aren't they great? ;) be sure to have 2
oz of beet juice (about one beet) several times a week. Beets cleanse the liver. Try to juice only vegetables and limit the fruits right now, as of course they feed candida and also they stress the liver and spleen, which you don't need. Apple juice is fine.
To manage the constipation, you need to take fiber, such as the P&B shakes recommended here or a commercial ready-made intestinal cleanser. Just beware of buying one with senna or cascarda sagrada, as they are both weakening laxatives that should only be taken for 7-10 days at a time. And drink TONS of water! :)
Here are my notes on bowel management:
when you first add fiber, as in P&B shakes, your colon is a bit weak, probably has constricted areas (thin stools=constrictions and/or moving too fast) AND probably coated with mucous. The mucous, altho bad, has a good side effect - it helps things pass quickly!
The fiber starts taking off the mucous, so it slows down your BMs for awhile until your colon strengthens!
This is why when you first start bowel management, you want to do....
1. either do the fiber PLUS laxative for about 1-2 weeks, not more or you get dependent. There are fruit-based laxatives that are better if you can find them, such as Triphala. These *strengthen* the colon rather than create dependency so you can take them over a longer period of time. Start with only 1 P&B shake a day, gradually increase dosage until you're doing 3 a day. Follow each P&B shakes with a glass of plain water.
Take the P&B shake 30 minutes before meals if you're trying to lose weight. Or take them 1-2 hours after the meal. Do not take with supplements, take the supplements 30 min before fiber, or with meals, or 1 hour after fiber.
You can take probiotics safely while you're drinking P&B shakes and doing enemas.
2. Start off with a series of colonics.
colonics will reduce mucous AND exercise the colon too!
3. slat-board exercises (see Dr. Jensen's book), walking, yoga, basically do AB exercises which in turn strengthen your colon.
4. Experiment with different fibers if you get too much diarrhea. Some people don't do well with psyllium. Most do, but some are better off with flax seeds, green apples, etc.
5. Start each morning with a large cup of very warm but swallowable water. This induces a bowel movement quite effectively.
6. End each night with this drink: a cup or so of milk simmered for ten minutes with 2 whole cardamom seeds, 1/2
inch fresh ginger root cut or grated, 1 stick cinamon, 3 cloves. This is basically Chai tea without the tea. Pour into a mug with a tsp or so of honey. This will hlep you sleep, increase your digestive powers, take out toxins from stomach and small intestine, is a natural laxative, and it tastes fantastic too! :)
7. 1-3x a day take 1 tablespoon of olive oil. This will force the liver to give up some bile, and bile stimulates peristalitic action! :)
8. Avoid all constipating and mucous forming foods such as deep fried, cheese, most dairy (unless cooked). Eat more nuts and fruits (preferably apples, pears, berries), but eat fruits alone as a fruit meal, never combined with anything else. Avoid animal protein for a couple weeks. Eat more veggie stews with Quinoa, Basmati Rice, instead.
9. Purchase and study Dr.
Bernard Jensen 's "Tissue Cleansing Thru Bowel Management." A real life saver.
Also: You'll know your bowels are healthy and strong and clean when:
You have as many BMs as you had fiber-rich meals the day before, and no fewer than 1 bm daily unless fasting.
Stools are at least 1
inch in diameter, are formed but not hard packed, uniform brown color. Should be at least 6" long, preferably 12", but of course it depends on how much fiber you eat. Eat more fiber rich meals if they are short. If they are very thin, then you either have constricted areas in your colon or they're moving very fast through your system (diarrhea or IBS).
If they totally float on the surface of the water you had a high-fat meal.
Hope that helps! :)