I am really hoping someone can lead me in the right direction with this one. I have been
Liver Cleansing for about 1 year now. Everything was going great until about 2 months ago. Then I started getting dandruff.. I thought no big deal, I got selsun blue, tried it & it did NOT work. I then got a little infection behind my ear with puss. Then I got a rash, swollen glands, and I know I have a sinus infection. Ok, so I started reading & figured it might be candida. I cut back on
Sugar and I started to feel better. Then I started breaking out in hives in a few places & got a vaginal yeast infection. I am so at a loss. I KNOW I have a sinus infection & have tried various natural/herbal things to get rid of it. I still have it. I have a checkup with my doctor and I know he is going to try to get me to take antibotics. At this point I am very tempted to take them to get rid of this infection. I have not taken them in years but I was on birth control for 9 years. My question to all of you is should I take the antibotic? and then what? What probiotic should I use? Then can I use the Threelac to try to fight the Candida? Will the antibotic make the candida worse? HELP! can anyone point me in the right direction please? I am starting to feel hopeless. Thanks.