Hi, I know exactly what you mean. I have spent years dreading my period each month. I used to get such bad cramps that I would faint and throw up. It felt like I had a hot poker going through my stomach. My sick days at work were used up in the first couple of months because of this. Advil was like candy. Adding to all I would have it all month with just a few days off. Total reverse of how it should be.
I have been on a product now since May 04 and have been finding excellent results since my November 2004 period. I haven't had to take anything for the last 5 periods. From May to Nov I didn't see much change but then closer to Nov I found that I was getting more regular. The days off were getting longer. Now I have one period per month. I also don't have the achy, headachy run over by a truck feeling the week before.
I don't know how this site works and if I can give out names of products so if you want more info you can email me.
Take care