you want to stop eating the things that cause stones(cholesterol). coffee will affect your bowels negatively. so i would change your eating habits if you haven't started that. the
Liver Flush is hard on your system, so you want your bowels and other organs working as well as they can. you would do well to read this forum's messages before attempting anything, as you can learn about what you are trying to accomplish as far as health. if you want something to try right now, you can drink psyllium and
Bentonite shakes, and purchase an enema kit from wal mart in the medicine dept. then read up on p&b shakes and enemas (enema forum,
Bowel Cleanse Forum ). don't take
Bentonite with meds, as it will soak them up. your diet should have foods that have natural enzymes that will break down the food for you, instead of putting the stress on your system to do all the work. buying enzymes and probiotics will help your digestion. and drink plenty of clean water, with some lemon and distilled water added for your blood flow.