Ok so I drank 1cup of
OO (Olive-Oil) last night(usually use 3/4)I was Nauseated all night..I passed some large stones around 12:30 this afternoon which is unusual for me, usually I rid my stones in the morning from 7:30-9:00. I ate some cereal this morning and I was fine..for lunch I had another bowl of cereal..Now for dinner I had a small piece of Turkey loaf, and I was going to eat a baked potatoe, I did put some fleishmans on it, I got sick to my stomach and threw it up.
I still have very watery stools, and my stomach has just been making all sorts of noises all day..
when I did get sick I felt my Liver or gallblader contract is this normal.. I have no pain. But Iam concerned that I got sick..and I am disappointed that I haven't passed more stones..This was my 7th flush. In the middle of the night I felt my gallblader release something, I felt it and I heard it, It was very loud..any recommendations from any one..