This might be of some help...
I did the full
parasite cleanse followed by the
kidney cleanse as Dr Clark recommends. I felt stronger and more peaceful after these cleanses. I also use a Multi Zap zapper for about an hour every day.
For the liver cleanse I used fresh organic pink grapefruit with oo (olive oil) and used the blender to mix it. It looked like a creamy fruit drink and I found it tasted okay and not as bad as some people find it. The
Epsom Salts weren’t too bad either. I added the juice of two organic red apples to the water to make up the exact amount of liquid recommended. The first & second Epson drink tasted best so the next time I think I’ll make fresh juice for the follow up drinks just before I take them the next day. I used a straw to down both of these concoctions. I rinsed my mouth out with a little water after taking the Epsom and I had no after taste. While doing the cleanse I did feel a little acid type pain in my stomach a couple of hours after taking the grapefruit and oo and again the next morning so I figured something was happening. All things considered it worked out better than I thought it might.
I hope this is of help to you and that you have a really successful cleanse!