Hi Fiddler. Great you are doing
Master-Cleanse and following with a
Liver-Flush per hopinso's recommendation. Here's how I made the transition.
I did 10 day
Master-Cleanse ending last Thurs. On Friday I drank organic apple juice mixed half & half with filtered water, also a few of the lemonades and plain filtered water. That's all. On Sat. I had only the apple juice/water and plain filtered water, until 6 pm. About 5 pm I mixed up 4 ES drinks (3/4 cup fresh squeezed grapefruit juice plus 1 Tblsp. ES for each) and refrigerated them. I took an ES drink at 6 pm and again at 8 pm.
Then I mixed the
OO (Olive-Oil) drink, using 3/4 cup
OO (Olive-Oil) and an equal amount of fresh grapefruit juice, and refrigerated it. I drank this at 9 pm along with 2 melatonin, brushed my teeth, and went to bed laying on right side with knees up. Slept great. Next morning I had 2 more ES drinks at 6 am and 8 am. At around 9 or 9:30 I had a SWF.
About 10:30 a smoothie with apple juice, water, protein powder, a peach and Superfood. I had a fresh organic salad of mesclun and caulifower with some dressing in the evening, took an IF # 1, went to bed at 9 pm. Next morning SWF. That was yesterday, Monday. Had oatmeal for breakfast, salad for lunch, and some nuts/seeds/oats for dinner. Another IF #1. A-OK!
My flush is based on Bob's Quick Cleanse for the first day, and Hulda's for the second day. I think this is a good transition into eating after MC, as well as an incredible liver flush.
Congratulations of your
Master-Cleanse and upcoming LF, Fiddler!
Blessings, Barb