We can discuss all aspects of Islamic life
Ramadhan in itself is the master of all cleanses. Fasting for thirty days is a major step towards health.
I would get up for your predawn meal and make sure you eat very nutritious foods and at least 12-24
ounces of water.
During the day if you can reflect by reading the Book, there is again tremendous healing going on at this time. Asking the creator to cleanse you, after all it is under His control and will that we heal.
So in a way I m not sure if your asking to stop fasting to continue your cleanse?
Or just to keep cleansing while fasting? And how that may be difficult?
So, just fast, and Allah will permit a way for you to complete both inshAllah.
Remember as soon as you break your fast, you can pick up where you left off. You can drink until daylight all you need to God willing.
May Allah purify our hearts, bodies and minds and lead the way to the straight path for us easily, ameen.
& Allah hafiz