Finally! A stone free flush after more than 30 flushes over almost 18 months. The flush I did last night resulted in a lot of waxy greenish sludge, flakes of chaff, tiny waxen castings, old bile and foam. My poor rear feels like it was rubbed with sandpaper and doused with hot pepper sauce......but no stones!!!
There really is a light at the end of even the longest tunnels.
I was feeling some pressure and a pulling sensation in the liver area earlier this week, but had no of my other usual symptoms, pain, nausea, and light colored stools. I decided to go ahead and flush. I did get a lot of stuff out, but have I mentioned....NO STONES!!!
By the way, since the silly argument has once again been raised, I think this is further evidence that the fake stone theory is nonsense. I had my usual
Epsom Salts and olive oil, but NO STONES!!!.