Oh darn, ya still have the pain. But your last post caused me to reflect on my own history.
1990 my oldest daughter moves out to go to high school. (I live in the sticks.) I get emotional diarrehea and depression.
1993 dr. puts me on anti-depressant for lack of energy.
1996 rt. ovary and cyst removed. 2 days of Painkillers in hospital. I purchase a zapper and
Hulda Clark 's book.
1997 indigestion and ulcers. I start flushing. 6 times in 6 months. Still have gallbladder removed. Stone stuck in the duct. No help or advice from anywhere. After that diarreha is intermintent. Every 3 days. Limited to how far I can get from the house. No more liver flusing. (I don't need to anymore cause I don't have a gallbladder, right!!NOT!!)Cut back on all fats. Down to very limited diet.
2003 April Diarreha is constant even rice hurts inside of me. Dr. in the family gives me Lomotil. (A derivative of morphin) Stops diarreha for 6 months. But guess what? In Dec I now have gallstones, again. And the lomotil isn't working anymore.
2004 Jan get off of all meds do liver cleanse,
parasite cleanse,
Bowel Cleanse and more liver cleanses. On the road to better health. Sometimes it's a long road. But worth it. I now have no more diarreha, more energy, and no more prescptions. Thank you Curezone and all who have given advice.