Now I see the dream fits perfectly! Is Barbie sexy....and how! I was just playing with my friends daughter and her Barbies the other day. Yes, I'm blonde! And this has been a big issue in my life. I've spent most of my life dressing as mannishly as possible because I'm blonde....and a little shapely ;), and never wanted anyone to think I was a dumb blonde! I'm serious, I've worn overalls most of my life!
It does seem to fit on many levels. I used to make art. I stopped and have juuuuuuuuust recently started again. Most of my old work I've gotten rid of, my husband considers it too sexy!! The work I'm starting to make now I plan to make into a book and I had thought of publishing under a pseudonym because I don't want to censor myself anything, and it's quite autobiographical. It basically needs to be very honest to be effective, and I intend to do this.
I had thought that the girl was possibly my inner child. Yes, SHE wants a lot these days. And I do have a lot of feelings of guilt. It seems fitting that my "wound" is in the 2nd chakra. When I had the 2nd Chakra opening this summer (as I described to you) perhaps these guilt feelings came into play because it was wonderful, but afterwards felt very painful for me. I suppose I'm doing the same thing now, sort of hesitantly reaching out for things and then feeling guilty about it. And it does seem BOTH tied up with my concept of SELF and who I am, and also who I am within my marriage.
Interestingly, Janaki is my spiritual name that I was given and I LOVE it. It means/connotes "devoted wife". I was just discussing it with a friend yesterday and told her that I couldn't expect that this name would be suitable to my purpose throughout my life, and that I might not necessarily always be that "devoted wife" character!
Things do seem to be transforming. Yes, personal freedom. Hopefully a revelation will happen, because I'm not quite there yet!
If you were to take a WIIIIIILD guess, would you say that my transformation will take place more within the realm of my personal relationships, or whether it will take place more within my art? Or both? Both are 2nd chakra realms. I'm afraid of pushing the one when I should be focusing on the other. Maybe I just need to knuckle down and make art and see if that takes care of all my wants?
Oh Tracey! How crazy is it that a little Barbie doll dream can cut to the issue so perfectly?
Much love to you,