Hi you guys!
Long time no see/hear...
Fascinating dream Keason - you guys have done a great job interpreting it - wow, it's a biggie - very archetypal and intense!!
When I read it, because I am sooo symbol & astrologically minded a few things jumped out at me:
Your MOTHER belonged to the cult: I immediately thought: where is Keason's Moon (mother symbol) ? What's going on with it? Is it having some sort of difficulty with the 12th house (the Unknown! Beliefs, spirituality, other-worldly stuff that there is NO real, empirical proof for!)
Welll, Keason, I looked up your chart and it's all just sooooo there, sooo clearly.
Your Moon is at 0degrees Scorpio - since Uranus is at 3 degrees right now and retrograde it is getting closer closer closer to trining your Moon (you would have first felt this new restlessness inside yourself to change and be different/truer to yourself back in March 2003 - for the spring/summer 2003) - so it's no wonder that you're 'mother' introduced you to something completely new, original, different....your Moon is desiring (scorpio) something new and different emotionally...
Now, what is SO perfect is that your Moon is opposing your natal Saturn in Aries in the 12th house - this is SO an 'Angry Jesus Cult Leader that Levitates!' (Anger=Aries/Mars, Jesus=Spiritual Leader/Self/Guide=12th house - the house of spirituality, higher self, dreams, the unknown and non-material - NO STRINGS!, Saturn=Fear 12th house:Unknown)
I think that I wrote to you before this 6th house 12th house axis in your chart - and how you need to go towards this 12th house non-material spiritual belief world (with Uranus in Pisces (revolution in spirituality) in your 11th house I'm sure you're coming into touch with more friends (11th house) who are exhibiting Piscean/Uranian features...really original people, that think outside the box and are also spiritual, idealist, into dreams - all that Piscean stuff...
Anyway, it's just as you and Janaki said - that there is some fear and frustration re: this non-material spiritual other world - will you lose your Self?
There are definitely past life issues around this whole topic (Saturn in the 12th)....something in the past made you afraid of this unknown, darkness (perceived darkness)...and being dis-embodied.
That whole part in the dream where he showed you that your VEHICLE (body/self) isn't really there, but IS - like you can feel it - but it's not there....was soooo interesting...but it was when you whooshed out of your physical energetic 'body' it was just toooo much...to me, you were experiencing a real out of body experience (I know how it feels and it freaked me out for many many years, until I discovered that I just needed to dissolve the FEAR of the unknown and losing control and all that - as soon as I dissolved the fear I was able to explore and have adventures - and, get rid of the damn fear! (what a relief))
Anyway, with Saturn in your 12th - leaving your body (astral travel etc) would be verrry scary to you - but, with Saturn (and your north node is in the 12th too - showing that you must go towards this 12th house stuff) in this position it also shows you that once you get over the fear (and the limitations of your physical body) you will be a real MASTER at this...exploring the other world. I'm not saying that you're going to be an amazing astral traveller....that is one way to read the symbolism - but basically you can be Masterful (once you get rid of the fear) at what the 12th house and Aries symbolizes: out of body, astral travel, pioneering and initiating with youthful energy (aries) exploring into this non-material world of dreams, spirituality, collective unconsciousness....etc etc....
okay, I've rambled enough - I hope some of it was coherent!!
much love to you - and what excitement...Your Inner Jesus (ahhhh - the Authority (saturn) on Spirituality!) will be very pleased with you once you BELIEVE (12th house)...and know that you will not lose yourself if you let go of fears (ego stuff/marsian)
okay...talk later!
love Tracey