Last night i placed 4 small bays leaves in my pillow and ended up with a weird sensation when i first got into bed.
While i was lying there i got a few pins and needles for just a second.
Then my deceased dog was there just for a second. I could actually feel her presence, then it was gone like she hadn't even been there.
Then an eye looked back at me then 2 eyes looked back at me.
I felt no fear, but they did not look friendly.
Who knows maybe i was being tested by my spirit guide.
I woke up in the nite about 4:40 am an my body was so heavy, i could hardly drag myself out of bed.
I felt like i was full of cement.
Maybe i was just coming back into my body.
What do you think?
I did have an odd dream. I was waiting for this woman to bring back her Land rover, so i could do some grocery shopping. (It was nite time). (I also know this person.)
Also there was alot of files in the trunk for anyone to look at.
The key that started the vehicle was more like a flat long key, that had 3 half rounded circles at top with 3 holes at the end and it was silver. It was a very long key. The key is hard to describe.
I did not know how to start the jeep so i went back in to the building.
Just before that, i looked into the window and saw this woman and 2 other ladies from our town that i know looking out the window with a dog. I tried getting their attention, but didn't notice me.
I went into the back and it was a huge indoor building with back streets and cement alley ways, sort of like i would guess in old Europe. I started walking towards this long table with some people sitting there, but before i could reach it, this guy came out of the alley and tried hitting me with a stone, his intention was to kill me.
I got away and someone else was following me and i told them if anyone touched me they would get the flesh eating disease.
They guy was furious, so i showed him a large round red scar on my right shoulder just to prove this to him.
Then i poked his eye out with a pen, but his eye was one of those change dispenser from a pop machine.
Pretty crazy, eh!
That's all i can remember from the dream.
Thanks for any comment.
Take care