That was a cool dream that you posted!
I am so excited to be able to spend some extra time here on Curezone... I have been super swamped with school work.... anyways....
The Frog is the totem animal of the school that I go to. It is the jumper, jumping into new ideas and situations. Taking the big jump or plunge. It is also and international symbol for the Shaman. Frogs are said to be interdimentional travellers, and can jump easily from one body of knowledge to another, and bounce between dimentions. They can also jump from one "shield" to another, which really means they can move from thier inner warrior, to their responcible adult, to their playful innocent child very smoothly and quickly.
You know..... my school does have sweatlodges every month in vancouver...if you ever want to take the leap!! ;)
Hope all is well for you!