Hi Kir,
The step you are missing is the emotional one. In order for the physical body to heal you must heal the emotional body. All illness manifest as a result of an emotional distrubance. So whatever "triggered" your serious health problems needs to be resolved first. Trust me when I say that is not as easy said as done. A lot of times the mind will suppress that memory, but it's still in every cell of your physical being. Your body remebers.
In the event you don't know what triggered it there are several things you can do to "replay it", but becareful if you or whoever you find to assist you doesn't know what they are doing, reliving the event can be even more traumatizing. For example, you are severly overweight, lets say 80 pound and as a result of the weight problem you know have, high blood pressure, asthma, poor circulation, difficulty walking or exercising etc.... Maybe, even had a heart attack. Get the picture? Okay if the event that caused all of this mess is not viewed as an outside you will have to relive all the emotions and pain that caused your problems.
Do you meditate? If so you would ask for your guardin angel and spirit guide to help you. Be sure to surround your self in the white light, I even call upon Archangel Michael. As you meditate ask them to take you back to the event as an outsider. You will see everything but, feel nothing.
Past Life Regression is also very helpful as well as hypnotherapy.
Okay, so lets say that the event that lead to your health problems was the death of a loved one in an accident. It would seem easy enough to say that the emotional feelings of the loved ones death was the trigger. But every emotion has a core. One single pinsized point. Around the pinpoint are several other emotions like a spiders legs. Untill you find the pinpoint emotion you will not completely recover. It could be anything from the anixety of being alone or feelings of guilt for any number of reasons, even something that happened 20 years earlier.
I hope all of this has made sense, if not I'll be happy to try and explain it a little better.
Libra : )