hello Andreas, And happy new Year
can you please explain something you speak of in the book "Timeless.."
that is, you mention chewing a piece of carrot on one side, and lemon? peel on the other..?(the specifics slip my mind) I've lost a filling on the upper right side, fourth from the front, and have been chewing exclusively on the left..I'm intuiting one-sided chewing must have some effects, and would appreciate your elucidation...
for myself, as well as others.
One more thing:
In reading about cultured cabbage (my first batch of this felt and tasted so good)
the author says something curious about stools. Could you please read this passage and comment? I always thought the floating meant a lot of fat was present -- so I'm wondering, would the stools floating be a sign of the system releasing a lot of
waste fat-- and this is why he says then, to reduce the amount?
"To implant friendly lactobacteria in the colon and heal damaged mucus membranes of the G.I. tract, you need to drink about 1 and 1/2 cup daily of cultured cabbage juice...Each serving contains several billion friendly lactobacteria. The lactic acid in the culture cabbage juice will purify the G.I. tract and kill most strains of fungi parasites and other pathogens.
You should drink this mixture until your stools float in the toilet bowl and are odor free. When that happens, you may lower your dosage of cultured cabbage juice to one serving each day as maintenance dosage. You may eat one cup of raw cabbage as a substitute for 1/2 cup of cultured cabbage juice."
That seems like a LOT of cabbage, but I have to say, I began to really crave the stuff -- ( need to make more, says the body) so I probably did eat this much, spaced over meals. It's delicous with rice and vegetables! and I used to think I never liked cabbage, couldn't tolerate it. 'Cultured' seems to be a kind of
natural magic.
My third question--
do you feel that being consistent with the cultured vegetables (I like daikon, kohlrabi, celeriac and cabbage) will help what seems to be a lack of digestion? (and I would imagine, assimilation) I can eat say, an orange and find it looking almost unchanged in colour and form. Transit time seems quite fast.
And my last, I promise:
I ( and my son as well: he 22, I 48) I've noticed just in the past few years get a sort of dry and dehydrated spot on the lower lip, right of centre, and I wonder-- could it be possible we both have a similar place in the body that is either chronically dehydrated, or otherwise weakened? It seems curious, but I was once told by a naturopath (and since then, 'know it') that we are very similar in 'makeup'-- according to her, the closest she'd ever seen, between mother and son. I am often concerned that I not pass on what might be a weakness in my system to him--however it also seems that we are very 'close' in that if I am looking up something and am led to a certain 'knowing' it seems like it usually resonates quickly for/with him.
thank you very much,I really appreciate your time and insight.