Dear Andreas,
Thank you for your response. I had considered that but hoped it might not be the case. I've made so many changes to my diet in the past year and so many changes to my daily schedule to accommodate it, but I've never been able to figure out how I can eat a fresh lunch (unless I go to restaurants)...or eat raw at lunch. Hubby can't be counted-on to cook.
What do people do who work full-time, and try to fit in a yoga practice, also my teaching etc? Someone had given a recipe for a thermos kitcheree that cooks during the morning on its own and then is ready for noon. Would something like that be an option?
As funny as it sounds, I suspect my answer might be to stop working in an office 9 to 5. My heart is just not here...but that's another thing I'm working on.
Do you have any practical suggestions?
Warm regards,