Personally, I don't think you need a biopsy if you have no symptoms. Maybe you will one of the 15% whose immune system is strong enough to overcome it naturally. But you need to read some books on it and become knowledgeable. You need to know what foods and herbs, etc. to avoid. If you find a holistic remedy for it let us all know please. But Dr. Zhang has some wonderful herbal formulas that have helped many people improve the condition of their livers and stop the inflammation. Apparently the inflammation is what causes fibrosis that leads to chirrosis (excuse spelling). Check out Dr. Zhang's website: He has some excellent articles on there and he's recommended by Dr. Andrew Weil.
Don't let your gastroenterologist scare you. There are so many clinical trials going on now I think they will have a better treatment in one or two years.
Another good website:
Always strenghten the host (immune system). Best wishes to you.