One doctor said to eat fruit, another one told me to avoid it. One doctor says tomatoes are good for me, another one says not to eat them. The list goes on and on. If I elminated everything I've been told not to eat, there's very little left that I can eat. I ate nothing but tofu for two weeks one time because it was the only thing I could find that wasn't on my avoid list. Then it started making me sick. Apparently I developed an allergy to it. So then they told me to rotate foods.
That was when I quit trying to follow other people's directions and started listening to my body instead. It will guide you. Remember that
parasites will make you crave the foods they need to thrive. Feeding cravings is feeding them. If you can't get enough of something, you aren't getting the nutrition from it, they are. If it tastes great, and you feel satisfied, without the desire to keep eating more and more, it was good for you.
The best you can do is eat fresh organic fruit, vegetables, whole grains, drink purified water and the water from young coconuts, also eat the meat. Supplement with probiotics and take anti-parasiticals. Try them all; rotate them. That's how you will discover the ones that work best for you. Many people will swear by a certain product and other people will get no results when they take it. What works best depends on your genetic makeup, or constitution, and which
parasite you are hosting.
Some people will get significant results from a very small dose, other people will have to take more than is recommended. It all depends on how strong your immune system is, how saturated you are with them, what kind you have in your system. Start with less than is recommended and slowly build up over time. For optimal results, take as much as you can tolerate. Cleanse during full moons and new moons. Take more before you go to bed at night, and let it work while you are sleeping. Keep the bowels moving.
We are a diverse species and there are thousands of kinds of
parasites that infect us. It's a trial and error process. There is no magic wand that will prevent reinfection, nor magic bullet that will kill them all, once and for all. Getting clear and staying clear is an ongoing process that lasts for a lifetime.
Be sure to cleanse your kidneys and colon and flush your gall bladder regularly.